Dutch citizens did not get a good deal under the current Dutch health insurance law.
It has become an extremely expensive business to get health Insurance in the Netherlands.
Especially if you add up all the costs.
First of all there is the obligatory deductible of Euro 385, then the monthly premium, which on average is around Euro 250 per month.
That makes a total "out of pocket expense" of Euro 3,385 per year, and even than you are not there yet.
There are also a variety of other provisions, whereby certain costs incurred for pharmaceuticals, and medical services, are not reimbursed.
Not only is Dutch healthcare too costly for the average citizen, it also is a cash machine for Dutch Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry.
Healthcare Insurance services and costs should also be uniformly regulated throughout the EU, which is not the case right now.
It is high time that the "political establishment" and the voters start paying more attention to the fact that this issue needs to get fixed without delay.
Healthcare Insurance services and costs should also be uniformly regulated throughout the EU, which is not the case right now.
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