Once in a while, a new petroleum province appears in a previously
under-explored frontier or blind spot, broadening the horizon of the
explorers and security analysts alike, lending fresh hopes to both
oilmen and the local economy, and offering new opportunities to the
E&P industry as well as investors. Onshore, the shale play in the
Permian Basin is one of such revolutionary new discoveries - perhaps a
case of rejuvenation, to be exact. Offshore, such new frontiers were
West Africa in the 2000s, East Africa in early 2010s, and Guyana in late
In this report an in-depth look at the emerging Guyana-Suriname Basin, including its geology and resource potential, exploration history, discoveries made so far, to lay a foundation for future discussions on how we as security investors can profit from the rise of this frontier.
Read more at: The Guyana-Suriname Basin: An Emerging Petroleum Province | Seeking Alpha
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In this report an in-depth look at the emerging Guyana-Suriname Basin, including its geology and resource potential, exploration history, discoveries made so far, to lay a foundation for future discussions on how we as security investors can profit from the rise of this frontier.
Read more at: The Guyana-Suriname Basin: An Emerging Petroleum Province | Seeking Alpha
Support EU-Digest, which has reported the news without any political affiliation since 2004, and opposes those who seek to discredit and even destroy news organizations who believe in the right of a free Press. You can do that by investing in an advertisement in EU-Digest, or by giving a donation to keep our efforts going : to donate or advertise and pay by credit card, click on: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?token=8BP18304C1657151J&useraction=commit&mfid=1567106786154_8591ae1288ebf