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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

USA: The Coronavirus is exposing major flaws in America's political and economic structures

Staggering Food Bank lines across America
As we watched the long lines of people waiting for a food handout, and heard their sad stories about not knowing how they could feed their children for another day, and some even having to rely on school provided meals to feed their kids.

It showed, that the Coronavirus pandemic had not only brought turmoil to America, but also that it had exposed major flaws, as to how Right Wing US politicians have manipulated Capitalism and turned it into a corrupt system of Government.

You can't escape the reality that America today is the land of great disparity, and inequality, without a social net to help those which need help, without proper healthcare for those who can't afford it, or free education for everyone, and the list goes on and on.

America needs to change for the better, and the status quo is absolutely not the answer anymore.

If not, the disparity will get worse and worse, and eventually "the party will suddenly be completely over" for the US and its lopsided Wall Street driven economy.
