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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

US Economy: Trump Economic Plan Would Send U.S. Economy To Most Severe Recession Since Early 1980's - by Avi Tiomkin

Comparing Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan is wrong and misleading. The two eras are diametrically different in most respects. Rising budget deficits, interest rates and dollar will hit U.S. economy and financial markets hard.

Global economic slowdown is compounded as the zero-interest-rate driven expansive-monetary policy's effects dissipate, while the negative attributes of this policy grow more influential.

This is a process that both inflicts current damages on the global economy and gains momentum as it progresses. Vis-a-vis Asian currencies including China, the dollar is as strong as its 2009 levels, let alone Canada, Mexico, Europe and South America.

This will inexorably hurt U.S. exports, generate an increase in imports and will create deflationary pressures on the U.S. economy.

Read more: Trump Economic Plan Would Send U.S. Economy To Most Severe Recession Since Early 1980s