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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Personal Debt: What's More Scary? A Haunted House or Your Credit Card Debt? - by Jean Chatzky

Ghosts and witches and monsters — oh my! Halloween brings out so many things meant to send a shiver down your spine. But there are some things even more frightening than Frankenstein, and many of them are financial.

How about the fact that the total amount of consumer credit card debt is over $729 billion and climbing, according to a NerdWallet study? That's $15,675 owed by the average U.S. household carrying credit card debt. Or that one in three Americans has $0 saved for the future? Or that the IRS saw a 400 percent surge in phishing and malware incidents during the 2016 tax season?

Shriek-worthy, indeed. So here are some suggestions for how to get out of the scariest financial situations.

For complete report click here: What's More Scary? A Haunted House or Your Credit Card Debt? - NBC News